When someone is considering the purchase of a pitbull puppy, they will sometimes say that they are looking for a “Gator Pitbull.” One should wonder, when hearing that, if the person truly understands what it means, or if he just wants one based on rumors about the dog.

Gator was a famous Champion Pit-bull. I believe that nicorae was a bloodline started in the line of dogs that gator brought to life but that is my believe. I dont have documents to back up my.

02.06.2011 · In reality the majority of people today that claim to have a Gator Mouth PitBull have no idea as to the true ancestry of their dog. The term Gator Pitbuls is used by most without any evidence that Gator is found in the blood at all. Those dogs that may have actually descended from one of the original Gator PitBulls carry so little of that blood.

AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER 2016 Blue nose, Red nose, Gator Mouth, Lock Jaw Old School Pit bull Terriers. When i hear someone identify their dog as one of these types of american Pit Bull Terriers i can’t help but want to educate them. It’s defiantly not their fault that they don’t know the type.

Wide mouth, split down the nose and mouth area, split at the upper nose area on both sides and they have double K9s. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A GATOR MOUTH PIT! This term wa s made up by some ghetto thug trying to make a dollar. Actually there is such a thing as a Gator Mouth Pit! It comes from the mixing of a pit bull and a wild dog. The.

The term Gator Pitbull refers to a pitbull puppy that comes fromthe Gator bloodline. Gator was a Champion pitbull. Some say thatthis specific bloodline was bred in order to be excellent fighters.This may or may not be true, but at this point it doesn't reallymatter. However nowdays the Gator bloodline is so watered down thatit is really.

Gator mouth is a line of pitbull. In the related links box below I posted a link of that bloodline. Asked in Pit Bulls What is a gater pit bull dog? gator is the bloodline of the pitbull but it's.

No. The American Pit Bull Terrier is a breed and the "Gator pit" or "gator mouth pit" is a term used by back yard breeders to sell puppies. There are two bloodlines of APBT that could be.

Gator Pitbull Kennels – A recommended APBT dog breeder Prabu June 22, 2013 0 Comments Pitbulls have been the point of much controversy, and while this controversy is dying down in some quarters, there are still the uninitiated people who fan the flames and keep the controversy alive.

Se decidi di acquistare un Gator Mouth Pitbull online, fai attenzione ai siti Web e agli allevatori che pubblicizzano i loro cani come Gator Pitbulls, mentre in realtà non sono affatto Gator Pits, e basta fare una rapida ricerca del termine "Gator Pitbull" e vedere quanti siti web hanno cani in vendita elencati con questa descrizione.