minx, where is a char string type -- char, varchar, nchar, nvarchar, finds the lowest value in the group, based on SQL's string comparison rules: if two strings differ in length, the shorter is padded with SP characters spaces to the length of the longer.

Min » Home »Server-Daten »Sql-Befehle » Min; ermittelt den kleinsten Wert im Ausdruck und gibt diesen zurück. Aggregatfunktionen und Unterabfragen sind nicht als Parameter erlaubt.

MIN se puede usar con columnas numeric, char, varchar, uniqueidentifier o datetime, pero no con columnas bits. MIN can be used with numeric, char, varchar, uniqueidentifier, or datetime columns, but not with bit columns. No se permiten funciones de agregado ni subconsultas. Aggregate functions and subqueries are not permitted.

The aggregate MIN function in SQL Server is used to find the minimum or the smallest value of a column. It is a very commonly used built-in function in SQL Server. Now recently I came across a situation where I had to use the MIN function in a WHERE clause. I’ll show you how this is done.

SQL Server Max, Min and Avg Functions. SQL Server provides several built in functions to help get some basic data about a column of data. Max returns the maximum value of the column. It does this using the collating sequence so it can work on character and datetime columns in addition to numeric ones. Min is the inverse. It returns the smallest value of the column and also works with several different data types.

Sql questions about getting MAX and MIN values based on two columns for the ids from two others Fetching second and consecutive duplicate values as NULL in SQL server Function takes 1:30 mins to 2 hours to execute in SQL SERVER 2008.

I would suggest you to leave MIN Server memory to DEFAULT. Min server memory controls the minimum amount of Physical memory that sql server will try to keep committed. When the SQL Server service starts, it does not acquire all the memory configured in Min Server Memory but instead starts with only the minimum required, growing as necessary.

I want to get the name of the employee who has the minimum salary. Is there a way to do this using only one query? I have given my query below, it doesn't work because the having clause requires a.

I have a dataset where I need to find the minimum and maximum values in a SQL Server table. In the case where multiple rows contain the same minimum or maximum value I only want to select the first occurrence. Read this tip to learn how.

There is no function even in SQL Server 2012 to get min date similar to getdate hence the above one is the only possible solution. This is for anyone who is looking.